10-27-14 This is written by Dillon.

Mrs. Corbell is the best teacher in the whole world. Thank you for the centers, they are great. My favorite center is MIMIO. I like it when we go to recess and when Mrs. Corbell reads Dinosaurs Before Day by Mary Pope Osborne. We wrote about what our Halloween costumes will be like. We had to use a lot of adjectives to describe our costumes. I liked it when we made red hats for “I Believe in Me”. Tomorrow we get to wear caps or hats to school.

9-30-14 This is written by Braeden.

This weekend we have been learning about solids,liquids and gasses. We have been doing a lot of math and reading. Our class has enjoyed school a lot this year we all like Mrs.Corbell our teacher this year. We have done a few number strings. We have been making books.We have been riteing a lot.We have been learning doubles.