5-26-12 This is written by Mrs. Corbell

This has been such a fun, fast year! My class has been amazing! The last few days of school we designed, decorated and flew paper airplanes. Zachary’s airplane flew a whopping 46 feet and came in first place. Dylan’s flew 30 feet and Cheyenne’s flew 27 feet. Alexis’s got the prize for the best decorated. We also did bug mazes where our electric bug had to work it’s way through a maze of blocks across a long table without falling off. Sterling made the most innovative maze but all of the students got a prize for this activity. Dylan beat me over and over in farkle. It’s a dice game and if you don’t know how to play, you should learn this summer and play it with your child. It’s a great math game of chance and strategies.

I also wanted to give a special thanks to Danielle Early for being such a wonderful room mother. Read, write, play games with your children. They grow up too fast! I wish that you all have a fun, safe summer.